FAQ about Melissa:

Meanwhile in my personal time I love to camp, hike, travel and explore this beautiful Island and country! I would describe myself as a 70’s gal stuck in a modern world. I love dressing in linen, gardening barefoot in the garden and playing with the dog in the backyard. I strive to live life to its fullest each and every day! I have answered some frequently asked questions below!

1) Do you travel for photography?

YES! I love traveling in my personal time so anytime I get to do it for work is a bonus! I love to travel everywhere on the island but also in BC and Canada! I have never done an international wedding but would be more then game to join you on that adventure if my photography is your vibe!

2) Do you have a partner? kids? Dogs?

Yes! I have a wonderful boyfriend named Adam and an amazing dog named Ben! No children.. yet! I would love to eventually have them but with the current cost of living we have decided to wait another few years to make sure we are ready!

4) Why film photography?

Honestly I love everything about film photography. I find it helps me be more present in the moments, allows me to slow down and observe, its imperfect-as is life, and the softness it lends to images in just amazing. I attempt to edit in a film style as well, but nothing beats REAL film.

3) Why documentary photography?

I’ve always been more of a chameleon over a director. I like to watch and observe vs telling people how to act as I KNOW this makes me feel uncomfortable when others do it to me! Documentary photography has allowed these elements of me to shine and I couldn’t be more excited to continue on this journey

5) Do you ever use a second shooter?

I currently do not have second shooters lined up. But if we decide for your wedding that a second shooter is something of value I am more then happy to find someone to hangout with us on your special day for a period of time!

6) Do you shoot any other types of photography outside of weddings and family?

Yes but on on a personal level. I love shooting street photography, concert photography and capturing my own friends and family on digital and film! Below are some images of my partner and our dog as well as some street photography and a film selfie from our recent trip to Mexico March 2024! Our birthday are three days apart so we often travel for them! This year was MEXICO! Ill create a blog on it soon!