Why Print your photos?

Did you know that printing your photos has been proven to increase not only your own mental health but also your children’s?!

I was recently reading an article about the importance of printing family photos and how this can impact your own and your families mental health and I was fasinated by this thought! As an ER nurse I often have to be curious about peoples psychology but I had never really thought about psychology in photography. Another photography and nursing commonality I guess!

The 1994 article here, from The Baltimore Sun summarizes the psychology nicely;

If a picture really is worth more than a thousand words, imagine kids' well-being when they see their own images all around the house. Strategically placed family photos are an effective way to reinforce your child's self-image and self-confidence.

Visual reminders of school events, family trips and everyday activities are proof-positive that a child has a place in life and relationships with others.”

This is something called displaying emotional connection! Displaying these types of images of yourself or of your loved ones strengthens emotional bonds by providing daily visual reminders of your relationships. This can evoke feelings of love, security, and happiness, contributing to an overall improved sense of emotional well-being.

It can also help lower physical stress. Seeing familiar faces that we cherish can obviously help lower stress and anxiety because they provide a sense of familiarity. Photos serve as a visual anchor to reminds us of the sincere relationships and amazing adventures experienced in life.

This also goes along with an increased sense of belonging. Being surrounded by images of your friends and family can provide a sense of belonging and identity. Again they reconnect you to your own personal lived experiences and history. It allows you to see your connection filled community around you as well. This therefor enhances an overall sense of self worth and connection.

There is actual so much data on this David A. Krauss & Jerry L. Fryrear were able to write a whole book on it!

This is why I believe you should PRINT all your photos and hang them or have them in a hierloom photo album for the next generation to cherish! I offer albums and prints to ALL my clients with your personalized photography quote!

If you are hoping to get some framed I always recommend London Drugs for all your printing needs! They have very accurate colour printing and tons of printing options! I also now offer print albums that I custom create with my clients!

Playing in the park with mom and dad

I love you too Dad


WHAT ARE DYNAMIC Family Portraits